Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Anatomy and Painting Study

This is the practice I did for studying anatomy and also for fun... I didn't add a lot of details, but I might do a couple more this kinds of pratices during the break.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hey guys check it out! I am working on this game with 14 other awesome people... We are so lucky that our game represents the University of Utah at a student game design competition hosted by Intel at GDC 2016!!! I am so glad I am in this team because we are awesome, excellent, fabulous A+ work team!! This game is called "Tentacult". I am doing all the characters and some of the environments art assets(e.g, the vehicles, etc.) We will be adding more assets and the game will be definitely funnier later.

Our official site:

(Made in Unity)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Anatomy Study

Here is my little practice for anatomy study (and also for fun). Human anatomy is super complex...I still need to learn more and more and more and more...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Short Film

These are the short films I created for my school projects. I really apologize for my hand shaking:( Filming is fun, but looking for actors were really not easy honestly....

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

My drawing skills

I also have drawing skill. Since I was young (maybe started from 6 year old), I have been learning drawing for many years. I did have thousands of art work (include sketching,drawing, color painting, Chinese painting and other kinds of art) ... but I couldn't find most of them:(  I just find some of the work for the time when I was majoring in architecture for 2 yrs in China.

My painting awards when I was young in China

I learned Chinese traditional painting for many years when I was a kid in China.  These are all the awards I got. Most of them are Chinese national awards or International awards. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Machinima Final Project

I was basically in charge of creating textures and materials in the team. I did the entire interior/ environmental design for the house. I also helped my teammates with the editing, props gathering, characters design. Our team's logo was also designed by me as well. I contributed a lot for our team :)

Powered by Unreal Engine 4.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Grayscale Concept Study

I was first doing a rough blockout in Maya and then painting over a grayscale texture render in Photoshop

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Machinima Trailer

This is our team's machinima trailer!! I was doing textures and editing for this project.

Monday, February 23, 2015